- Pacific Biosciences ... my employer, bleeding edge biotech company
- Technadyne ................ my previous employer, high-technology development company
- MyTVFilms .................. my startup, a personalized custom film DVD production company
- 454 Corporation ......... my previous employer, a bleeding edge biotech company
- Alliance AV .................. my brother's audio visual company
- Alliance Pictures ........ my brother's short film production company
- Autumn Light ............. my custom film software development company
- FHS Reunion .............. my high school reunion website (Class of 1980 - technically 1979)
- My Real World ............ my new website idea (still working on the software)
- Stone Mist Studios .... my personal film production company owned with my brother
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- Web domain names I own...
- scotthelgesen.com
- tvdna.com
- robotdna.com
- secureschool.com
- myrealworld.com
- fhsreunion.com
- autumnlight.com
- mytvfilms.com
- moviemsg.com
- stonemiststudios.com